
Photo Credit: Ayo Ogunseinde

Free by Reign


You made sweet potato pies

with a smile

 As if, this life was free


 Your fingers imprinted into the dough

 The smell of brown sugar in the South Carolina air

 Figs left their fragrance in your backyard

 They made you smile

 As if, this life was free

 As if, it didn’t cost you everything to breathe

 As if, it hadn’t cost you everything to be

 And it was you who pressed your hands so gently

 upon the tiny mouth

 And broke the news to me

 That I would never know everything

 No matter how many times I asked questions

 for which there was no answer

 I learned that even love comes with a price

Even if it is simply love, in return

 As if, by magic, you turned fresh peas into dinner

 Stewed chicken conjured a gathering in your kitchen

 And we smiled

 as if life was free

 As if, this life would ever be free

Reign X

Poet, Digital Artist, Photographer, Podcaster, and Politica, living in New Mexico.

Instagram: i_am_reign_artistcommune

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