Mommy's Keeper by Trinity Kanu

Mommy’s Keeper

I will protect you

I wanna protect what’s mine 

I wanna protect because I wasn’t 


I will always protect you from this World

I won't be strict about it 

I want you to live and learn

I don’t really like children

I don’t really have a reason 

Maybe it’s because I wish they Weren’t so vulnerable and blind

To things that can hurt them 

Or maybe because

I see a young me in them thinking the ones i loved would never hurt me  

I do want kids of my own 

The most i’d want are 2 

I want to protect my first 

The second will be overly protected

They can go to their sibling or Mommy

But there’s nothing like mommies Keeping

I won’t sing or read nursery rhymes To mine

They’ll hear mommies stories and Life experiences

It’ll help develop their young minds

There’s nothing like mommies Words

Her words are like a safe haven to my ears

Sometimes they won’t want to hear It


The things we stray away from Always come back around for Confirmation

Mommy will be your keeper 

Your father above will be your guardian Angel

We will guide you 

As long as you take our hands

If you let go because you’re getting older now and “Can do it on your own” 

Don’t question why things happen the way they do 

Just listen and follow the guide Because you’ll always work things out / Find your way with directions

So be mommy's little angel

And she’ll keep you behind her gates

Trinity Kanu

My name is Trinity Kanu but I prefer to go by Trin. I am from New Brunswick, New Jersey but I live in Brooklyn, New York. I enjoy writing poetry but sometimes I’ll write a short story. I enjoy writing because it’s easier to tell paper how you feel compared to people.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.