Spoken Black Girl Magazine

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Mental Health Tips for Empaths (Video + Blog)

For as long as I can recall, people have always commented on how “sensitive” I seem to be. I’ve always bristled at the comment because when most people think “sensitive”, they think about a specific collection of traits – quiet, soft-spoken, fragile, meek, maybe even a victim. I do identify with some of these traits – I talk when I feel like talking and I wish my voice were more commanding and serious, but there’s nothing I can do about that.

My definition of “sensitive” is actually quite different. To me, “sensitive” means that I feel deeply, that I’m observant, and that I have a keen sense of the emotional and mental states of others, detecting dishonesty, bad vibes, or genuine love and compassion, naturally and with ease.

I never really thought much about how being a Highly Sensitive Person might be affecting me or my mental health, but one day, a friend asked if it had ever occurred to me that I might be an empath.

An empath? My first reaction was, “What the heck is that?”

Photo by Rikonavt on Unsplash

What is an Empath?

An empath is a highly sensitive individual who can perceive and often unknowingly absorb the emotional and mental energy of others.

Signs That You’re an Empath

  • You are highly intuitive. Your “gut feeling” is always on point!

  • You need your alone time. Recharging is not optional for you.

  • People keep calling you sensitive or emotional.

  • Crowded places are overwhelming for you.

  • You have a connection with other living beings, even animals!

  • Others seek you out for help since your empathic nature is easy to sense. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a store, at work or at school, and people who I don’t even know single me out as someone who can help them.

  • Emotional vampires also seek you out. Empaths also tend to be the targets of people who want nothing more than to drain you. If you’re not aware of your empathic abilities, people can go on sapping your energy for years.

  • Your senses are razor sharp. For example, I’m really sensitive to sound. I don’t like loud noises, and I can’t stand yelling. This feeling is more than emotional, it’s physical. You can feel it in your body.

  • You try to be a superhero. Since you can feel what others are feeling as if they are your own emotions, you know when others are hurting and you just might drain yourself to make them feel better.

Internalizing Negative Energy & Mental Health

One of the most shocking revelations that I had after learning about my empathic abilities was the extent to which it influences my struggles with anxiety and depression. When you are subconsciously absorbing the thoughts and feelings of others, you tend to believe that you are the origin of negative emotions that may not even really belong to you. That can be incredibly tough on your mental health and worsen already debilitating symptoms of mental illness.

Empaths have to be extra careful about the way that we interpret the world around us.  If you read my blog regularly, you’ll know that I’ve spoken in the past about mental filters – the tendency that people with mental illness have to think of things in black and white, to discount the positive and to magnify negativity. When these thought patterns collide with high sensitivity, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow-mo.

Is it just a coincidence that during the times in my life when self-loathing and depression were at their peak, I also happened to be in toxic environments or surrounded by miserable people? I don’t think so!

Protecting Your Energy

Empaths often have to learn the hard way about protecting their energy. The realization usually comes after reaching a personal low –  mental and physical exhaustion set in and you’re a shadow of your old self. You’re not “just stressed”, your motivation is gone, your joy is seeping away, you’ve given all that you have to give to other people and left yourself with nothing. Right about then, it becomes obvious that your energy is precious and that you haven’t been keeping enough of it for yourself, or controlling what you take in and what you will reject.

You don’t have to engage with negative people if they are messing with your vibrations. You can choose to consciously surround yourself with the kind of energy that you hope to exude.

So SBG Friends, are you an empath? What do you do to protect your energy and mental health? Let me know in the comments!