Spoken Black Girl Magazine

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What Freedom Means to Me?

Photo Credit: Apex 360 via Unsplash

What Freedom Means to Me? by Adrienne Prather

Freedom, oh how I long to be free, truly free.

Free in my mind, heart, and soul.

I want to truly live in this world and experience 

the lift every voice and sing free,

that kind that screams out liberty,

You know the one that Dr. King spoke about and desired kind of free.

The without guilt, condemnation, and non-judgmental kind of free,

but when we open our eyes what do we truly see?

Are we soaring above the clouds without fear free?

Not afraid to speak our truth free?

Boastfully living out our destiny free.

The freedom that is not afraid to stand, advocate and speak what is right free?

The freedom that is bold, courageous, fearless

who speaks for the voiceless kind of free?

Walking together in unity kind of free?

The freedom that professes and declare free,

The I am bold, unique, and fearfully and wonderfully made type of free,

The destined at birth, understanding our worth, having confidence kind of free.

Freedom to be you and freedom to be me type of free.

Emancipated but still are we free?

When the mind is shackled and the pain lingers from the past,

are we truly free at last?

So many people have died, suffered, been persecuted, wrongfully accused,

Abused and misused in this land of the free,

Many desired and longed to achieve the American dream,

There’s nothing wrong with achieving, succeeding, and believing,

But this notion is somewhat deceiving.

I crave for the freedom to walk in our skin free,

not being afraid to live and walk down the street unharmed kind of free.

Freedom to not be judged by the color of our skin free.

Freedom to make sound decisions without fearing for life type of free.

Out of the ashes, molded by clay type of freedom that rise and pushed beyond 

all obstacles, barriers and distractions that stand in our way,

I am living life and uplifting our brothers and sisters’ type of free.

The freedom that breaks barriers and provide opportunities type of free.

Freedom is more than just a word to me, 

embracing life head on, using the mouth to speak life free,

letting go of negativity and be elevated free.

The speak to our mountains and watch it move, seeing the power

of our positive words manifest into action kind of free.

Holding out our hand to help the next woman and man type of free,

the I’m not afraid to speak from my heart and heal from this pain type of free,

The uncuffing my hands, getting beyond the cell type of free,

To walk as a free woman and man and given another chance after being chain free.

Step by step, day by day, piece by piece, minute by minute, the march to freedom is

within reach, by changing our speech, and going beyond what is seen, giving others

our shoulders so they could lean free

It’s not a quick fix, like throwing snacks in a bowl chex-mix,

But with faith and determination to win

And the confidence from within,

In your heart, your mind and soul you can scream from the top of

Your lungs without remorse, guilt, and shame that you are indeed,

The voice of freedom and on the journey to be in every area of your 

life this is what freedom means to me.